Effective Communication is at Your Fingertips

在讲述你的故事时,社交媒体是一个非常有效的工具, showcasing success, promoting events and programs, and building a community. 社交媒体最佳实践不断发展,我们邀请您在本页或从许多关注社交媒体实践的有价值的网站或YouTube视频中寻求指导.

Active social media is effective social media.

University Communications maintains St. 云之州的官方社交媒体平台,并为其他单位提供如何有效利用社交媒体推广自己的项目的指导, offerings, student/staff/faculty success, and more.

Purple laptop with hands typing

Our Social Media Following


followers on Facebook


followers on Instagram


followers on Twitter


followers on LinkedIn

Top 5 Tips for Effective Social Media

Be Consistent
Post often and do not take long breaks in between posting. 想一想:“当人们第一次访问我们的网站时,我们希望看到什么?" 

Engage in Conversations
Put the "social" in social media. 不要忽视与听众交谈的重要性. Engagement can happen through likes, comments and shares. Social media is a living, breathing entity.

Choose Your Platforms Wisely
More social media platforms are not always better. 选择一个最适合你的需求,并努力使他们保持强大和充满活力. 如果你所在的地区有未使用的账户,可能会给你的地区带来负面影响, 删除这些账户并把精力投入到那些会茁壮成长的账户上是可以的.

Use Analytics to Measure Success
大多数社交媒体平台都提供分析来说明帖子的表现以及粉丝增长的速度. 定期回顾这些分析,并相应地调整你的策略. 

Be Patient. Be Engaged.
Results will not happen overnight. But with patience and consistency, success can happen. Be sure to target the right audience, 定期发布有趣的内容并与你的粉丝交谈.

Best Practices: Use These Tips to Stay Vibrant

1. Learn from your competitors. How do you compare? Look at their content and ask yourself:

  • What media are they using - video, images, polls?
  • What demographics are they targeting?
  • How frequently do they post?
  • What is performing well (and not well) on their platform?

2. Understand your target audience's social media preferences. Which platform(s) does your customer base use? 哪个平台支持他们想要使用的媒体类型?

3. Establish and maintain your brand's voice. 保持一致的声音有助于你的品牌在竞争对手中被识别出来. Establish a visual style and tone, use niche words related to your area, tap into hashtags to expand your reach.

4. Develop a social media calendar. 积极主动,为未来几天你要发布的内容制定一个计划, weeks, and months. 在日历上设置提醒,每周至少在平台上发布2-3次内容.

5. Set goals and pursue them. 了解你的社交媒体是如何产生可衡量结果的影响. 你是否每年至少获得(在这里插入你的目标)追随者? 一篇文章至少能得到(在这里插入你的目标)点赞或评论吗? 朝着这些目标努力以避免陈旧的社交媒体平台是很重要的.

6. Be precise. 事实错误、语法错误和拼写错误反映了这所大学的糟糕.

7. Shorten URLs with our branded utility at scsu.mn/LinkShorten.

8. 接受对大学决策、行动和政策的适当批评. 删除批评内容会破坏网站的合法性,破坏作为社交媒体标志的社区意识. 对大学社区成员的人身攻击被认为是不恰当的批评.

9. Monitor comments. 社交媒体经理负责所有的帖子,包括访客发布的帖子.

Instagram Spotlight

Dance Team's Instagram

This Platform is On Point!


  • Profile image is clean, simple, and legible. 
  • They boast that they are "6x National Champions."
  • Utilization of linktr.推动参观者了解更多有关活动和招聘的信息.
  • 故事重点是组织和品牌拼写“博彩网站推荐”.“如果一个人想要消费其中一个主题的内容,他们很容易就能做到.
  • High-quality images.
  • On brand with our red and black school colors.
  • 定期发布“与团队见面”和“生日快乐”的帖子.
  • Active Reels,这是Instagram参与的推动力. 

Guidelines: The Finer Print



